
From launching the first three-year accelerated doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) program in the nation to developing the first-of-its-kind CPJE 和 NAPLEX preparatory program presented by any pharmacy school托马斯·J. 龙药学院 serves as a leader in preparing 学生 for lifelong success in health careers.


太平洋的经历使我们的毕业生与众不同. Equipped with the clinical knowledge cultivated through Pacific’s decades of experience 和 the leadership necessary to pioneer the future of pharmacy, 我们的药学博士学生担任了许多领导职务.

Pacific’s chapter of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) serves as an umbrella organization that oversees all of the pharmacy-related student groups, 包括医疗保健外展委员会, 专业组织和专业药房兄弟会的学生分会.



在不断发展的医疗保健行业中保持领先地位, 我们继续推进我们的课程, 项目, 研究 和 community outreach initiatives to stay a step ahead of the industry l和scape. 我们敬业,经验丰富的教师 支持学生和毕业生在博彩平台网址大全的整个职业生涯, empowering them to succeed by providing access to state-of-the-art laboratories 和 equipment for meaningful, 实践学习, 指导, 领导和病人护理.


在托马斯J酒店. 龙药学院, 学生 have an unparalleled advantage with connections to a powerful 和 influential network of alumni across the country. 我们的校友留下了成功和领导力的遗产, 博彩平台网址大全毕业生在当地拥有令人垂涎的地位, 州和国家专业组织. 我们的许多校友都因他们的工作而获得了州和国家的荣誉, 有几位成员入选了他们的专业名人堂.

We proudly leverage our alumni network by connecting 学生 to experts in the health care industry. 这种联系通过指导促进了与学生的合作, 格言, providing 研究 opportunities 和 sharing expertise inside 和 outside the classroom.


动手学习是我们课程的关键. Our faculty 和 工作人员 are committed to providing innovative 和 unrivaled leadership opportunities that ensure graduates leave Pacific as 实践-ready health care professionals.

因此,我们的学生参与 地方保健外展活动 临床轮转是他们学位要求的一部分, with options to choose from a diverse range of student organizations to gain leadership experience. For some 学生, this may mean traveling to conferences or presenting faculty-guided 研究.

通过培养下一代领导人, 博彩平台网址大全作为美国顶尖的健康科学学院继续蓬勃发展.

托马斯J. 龙药学院 is to prepare 学生 for lifelong success in health careers by providing an excellent, 以学生为中心的学习环境. We aspire to develop leadership skills in our 学生 和 a strong commitment to their professions, 跨专业合作与社会. These efforts are assisted by linkages across 博彩平台网址大全 professional 和 liberal arts 项目. 我们支持优秀的专业和研究生教学, 研究和其他学术活动和服务作为实现我们的使命的手段.

托马斯J. 龙药学院 will be among the top 25 percent of private pharmacy schools in the United States—nationally 和 internationally recognized as a source of pharmacists 和 pharmaceutical scientists of exceptional ability who can effectively contribute to the health care team 和 system through the optimization of patient outcomes 和 scholarly work—和 will be distinguished by innovative student-centered teaching, 跨专业教育经验和课程规划, 研究及服务.

在托马斯J酒店. 龙药学院, we consistently strive to achieve 和 promote the following values:

  • 问责制 -承认作为保健专业人员, we are patient-centered 和 responsible to help our patients optimize their health outcomes;
  • 批判性思维和解决问题能力 — developing effective leaders 和 citizens of our communities 和 the world as providers 和 consumers of health care 和 members of our profession;
  • 发现 -认识到学院的义务, contributing through discovery 和 scholarly activity to knowledge in the fields of pharmacy 和 pharmaceutical sciences;
  • 道德 在我们所有的互动中,这样我们的教学, 实践, 研究, 领导和服务无可非议;
  • 卓越 — in 实践, academics (both teaching 和 learning), 研究, service 和 leadership;
  • 人的尊严 — recognizing that every individual deserves respect 和 will at different times both struggle 和 excel;
  • 专业 — encouraging integrity as an essential part of pharmacy 实践, 研究 和 education;
  • 学生中心 — encouraging 和 fostering academic 和 professional interactions between 学生 和 faculty, both inside 和 outside of the classroom; 和
  • 质量改进 — developing 和 utilizing measurable quality assessment techniques along with best 实践s to inform decision-making 和 enhance the quality of our 项目.


Learn how the American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) leads as a collective voice for student pharmacists.


自1955年以来,托马斯J. 龙药学院 has been training health care professionals who are problem-solvers, 创新者和领导者. 这所学校经过艰苦的努力才形成了今天的样子, 它的魅力教师的奉献和支持, 工作人员, 学生, 校友及朋友. 我们的历史, individualized faculty-led experiential learning 项目 和 the combined support of a powerful alumni network continue to lead student success.


罗伯特·E总裁. 31岁的伯恩斯博士开创了博彩平台网址大全的创新先例. 这种冒险精神促使他在加州建立了第三所药学学校. To make this daring dream into a reality required the leadership of a visionary dean who could see past the bare light bulbs 和 limited space of Weber Hall. 彭斯总统招募了伊万. 罗兰博士将出任首任院长. 反过来,罗兰院长召集了一批核心的创始教师.

在早期, the founding faculty established fraternities 和 student chapters of professional organizations, 为学术成就设定标准, 医疗保健推广和网络,学院一直延续至今.


1956年:Phi Delta Chi的Alpha Psi分会
1960年:Kappa Psi的Gamma Nu分会
1964年:罗契的Beta Omega章节
1965年| Phi Lambda Sigma的章节
1992年| Lambda Sigma章节


到1960年,学校的入学人数达到了顶峰. 罗兰院长开始认真地为新大楼寻找空间和资金. 结果是, 爱德华和爱丽丝·朗纪念馆建成, 它于1969年建成. 一年后, in 1970, the School initiated the first accelerated three-year trimester pharmacy program in the nation.


In 2003, 陈氏家族健康科学学习中心及诊所成立, 提供急需的教室, 讲座及临床空间. Renovations were completed in 2018, adding additional classrooms, offices 和 study spaces.


In 2005, the pharmaceutical care lab was dedicated in honor of Professor Emeritus Donald Y. Barker, PhD who, during his tenure at Pacific, taught 和 mentored thous和s of 学生. 在这个实验室里, first-year 学生 are introduced to compounding 和 working in a clean room environment to protect pharmaceutical products from contaminants.


托马斯·J. 龙药学院 name recognizes more than $20 million of support from 托马斯·J. 朗基金会和朗家族在学院历史上的贡献.

了解更多关于托马斯J. 龙药学院

从我们本科开始 预备药房优势计划药学学士学位,我们的 监管科学创新硕士,我们的 三年制速成药学博士 程序和我们的 制药和化学科学研究生课程托马斯·J. 朗药学院在这里支持你的努力,以卓越的领导.